Thursday, September 29, 2011

LBMsssss - fungi 7

Masses of these creatures crowd under shrubs, trees, in grass, in compost...just about anywhere there is organic matter!  Aptly (and scientifically) named LBMs (Little Brown Mushrooms)! Don't try eating any of these - you never know what it may be!

Alien Blobs - fungi 6

I thought the shape of these was particularly entertaining.  It's some kind of puffball with a squishy foam-like core.  It's not the classic round shape of a puffball, but this way is much more...interesting!

Perched Water - fungi 5

This concave cap created a perfect vessel to catch rainwater.  It looks just like a small birdbath to me!

Blue Slime Monster - fungi 4

This blue-grey creature was popping out of a decaying stump. Stopharia aeruginosa.   The fly got stuck in the slime coating the cap just before I took this photo.

Tasty Tatti - fungi 3

Tatti, boletes in english, popped up everywhere!  This one was near the base of an apple tree.  Most boletes around here are edible, though some better than others. I have never seen so many king boletes/porcini (Boletus edulis) before, though the worms always destroy them before I get there!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Amanita cap - fungi 2

These are so prolific and colourful that I had to post another picture!

Amanita gills - fungi 1

I thought a lot of these grew around UBC until I came to Finland.  I have never seen so many fungi out around a city as I do here.  Lawns, fields, paths, stumps, trees, sidewalks, boulevards - just about every outdoor habitat supports some kind of fungi.  So I'm going to post a photo everyday of a fungi found in Jouensuu (aka "Fun Guys of Joensuu") sorry I just ahd to use that really really horrible joke...

Monday, September 19, 2011

Dalmatian maples

Some sort of fungus seems to be really hard on the maples below a tree canopy; it looks neat though!

Sunday, September 18, 2011


I'm not entirely sure of what is going on here, but I thought the fake pansies were kind off odd.  The thing they are attached to is a cart that was designed to look like a train.  I guess that the cart is used to give rides to people down by the river in the summer when the waterfront is busy.  But that's just a guess....

Saturday, September 17, 2011


Joensuu has lots of forest and lots of paths through the forest that are well used for commuting, exercising, and generally enjoying the outdoors.  I went for a long walk through them today.  The sun was out and it felt like a peaceful autumn day.


In the summer, boats similar to this one often take passengers on cruises down the river and out on the nearby lake.  The season is now over and so they remain docked along the waterfront. 


You may be finding a theme to these photos; it has been raining most of the week.

Another rainy day

Ok, so apparently I'm not too good about daily updates. I'll do what I can!

A side street near the University of Eastern Finland gets saturated.  Heavy droplets from the weeping birch trees land with a resounding thud on umbrellas, cars, and my rain jacket.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


As I was crossing the bridge on my way to class today, I saw these girls making the best of a break between rain showers.